

In the charming city of Nice, on the French Riviera, the pink carnations of the 1960s perfumed the streets with their intoxicating fragrance. Among the narrow streets and cafes full of life, the pink color of these carnations evoked the freedom and youthful spirit of a time marked by creativity and the cultural revolution .

Pair of methacrylate and crystal flower earrings.

Closure: You can choose between clip closure (clip without stick) and pressure closure (stick and nut, the most common)

Materials and colors: Pink glitter methacrylate and mirror on a transparent fuchsia base with pink crystal applications.

Size: 12.5x4.5cm

Weight: 13g. Very light!

Handmade in Spain

Avoid letting your jewelry come into contact with alcohol and perfumes so that they do not lose color, crack or crack and, although it is very tempting because you are going to look incredible with your kiwipomelo, avoid going into the pool or the sea with them. To clean your jewelry, use a chamois cloth.

Order preparation time: 24 to 72 business hours. If your order has to arrive on a certain date, write to us and we will do our best.

Shipping costs: check our rates in our frequently asked questions .

The shipping price is calculated in the cart after entering the shipping address. Customs charges are the responsibility of the buyer.

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